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NEW! WeatherLink Console: The Smart Way to View Weather Data. Learn More
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WeatherLink: Tips from a Pro

WeatherLink: Tips from a Pro

The WeatherLink Cloud family of products offers the ultimate in versatility for access to your data. With the completely FREE Basic tier you can view current conditions on or the WeatherLink Mobile app anywhere, on any connected device.

Why go Pro? There are lots of reasons, like this one: Custom Charting.

As a Pro user you can visualize any of your sensor data with custom line and bar charts on up to four different y-axes. Zoom into an hour of data or out to a full year to view details and trends.



Additionally, on you can set up three different strip charts, showing up to 12 different data points. Being able to spread the data points over three charts lets you see them more clearly and compare them over the selected time span. You can also give your chart a name, change each data point’s color, and decide whether you want to see a bar or line graph. When you close your charts, they will be saved for next time

For example, you can see exactly how your inside temperature and humidity reflect the outside temperature and humidity. Or how the wind station on the roof compares to the anemometer on your Vantage Vue in the garden. Or how the humidity from your indoor humidity sensor in the basement compares to the humidity upstairs. The variations are endless!


Here's another good reason: Historical Data

With a free account, you get current data. As a Pro, you'll also have access to your historical or archive data. Now you can compare this month's rain with last month's, or last year's high temp with this year's. It's all stored safely on the Cloud. (No worries about loss of data due to computer crashes or upgrades.)

As a Pro, you also get more frequent updates to third-party sites like Weather Underground.

Upgrading to Pro is simple and costs as little as $3.35/month when you upgrade for 3-years, if you’re already a WeatherLink user, log in to your account on and click the upgrade button.

If you want to purchase a 1-year upgrade for someone else, click here.

Davis Instruments, and AEM brand

In the face of escalating environmental risks, AEM is the essential source for insights on weather, climate, lightning, floods, wildfires, water management, and more.

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