Vantage Pro2 Tipping Spoon Replacement Kit, 19" (0,5 m) Sensor Cable - SKU 7345.425, 7345.147
SKU 7345.425
- Easily replace the tipping bucket assembly in your rain collector with the more accurate tipping spoon. Reports in inches. Comes with a 19” (0,5 m) sensor cable. Recommended for use in Vantage Pro2 sensor suites. (See 7345.439 for tipping spoon assembly recommended for stand-alone rain collectors.)
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- Easily replace the tipping bucket assembly in your rain collector with the more accurate tipping spoon. Reports in inches. Comes with a 19” (0,5 m) sensor cable. Recommended for use in Vantage Pro2 sensor suites. (See 7345.439 for tipping spoon assembly recommended for stand-alone rain collectors.)