Best Deals for Weather Geeks
1. The Modern Weather Geek: The Vantage Vue and WeatherLink Live bundle
Expired: Order now to get 10% off and a free year of WeatherLink Pro, a $47.50 value! Plus, get free shipping upgrade when you pay for ground.
This Weather Geek loves both weather and technology and appreciates quality. They live their life with their phone always in hand. They want access to their weather data from wherever they are. The Vantage Vue and WeatherLink Live Bundle is the deal for this one! They’ll love having a weather station sensor suite that is sleek and minimal, but still rocking the famous Davis reliability and accuracy. It comes with WeatherLink Live, because their phone is their go-to device. They’ll automatically see their current data on the WeatherLink app at the flick of those busy thumbs.
2. The Superhero Mom/Dad Weather Geek: Vantage Pro2, WeatherLink Live, and AirLink bundle
Expired: Order now to get 10% off and a free year of WeatherLink Pro, a $47.50 value! Plus, get free shipping upgrade when you pay for ground.
They love nature and weather and data, like all the best people do, but what they really love is their family. Nothing matters more than the safety of their little ones and their older parents. Get them the Vantage Pro2, WeatherLink Live, and AirLink Bundle. This deal includes our Vantage Pro2 sensor suite that will send data, via the WeatherLink Live, for wind speed, rainfall, high and low temps, forecast, and so much more to the WeatherLink Cloud where they can access it 24/7. It also includes an AirLink Professional Air Quality Monitor, so along with knowing about weather dangers, they’ll also see the AQI in their home, inside or outside, in real-time.
3. The Royal Weather Geek: Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus with 24-hour Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield
Your favorite Weather Geek may be majestic only in their own mind, but their delight in having the Best of the Best always reigns supreme! Any gift for this regal beloved has to be the finest available in the realm. The crowning glory deal for this one has to be the Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus with 24-hour Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield. It has it ALL, from the added perks of Solar and UV Radiation sensors to the fan that moves air through the shield for the most accurate temp/hum readings. His or Her Majesty will access their data and scroll through scads of information on their kingdom’s microclimate on the included console.
4. The OG Weather Geek: Complete Tune Up Kit
They’ve had their Vantage Vue or Vantage Pro2 out in the back yard since forever and have lovingly maintained it. It just keeps sending data and your OG Weather Geek loves telling you, and anybody else they can corner, just how long and how reliably it has performed. “A new station?” they might ask. “Why? This one is just a little dusty.” Make their holiday complete with a Complete Tune Up Kit for either Vantage Vue or Vantage Pro2. The kit comes with everything they need to give their trusty station an age-reversing spa day. Complete instructions will guide your OG Weather Geek through an enjoyable afternoon tinkering with their much-loved station. Bonus!
5. The Keepin’ It Simple Weather Geek: WeatherLink Live
This Weather Geek has a Davis station and totes that console from room to room so they are never left in the dark about their weather conditions. Bring them full circle with this deal that will add a WeatherLink Live to their world. Now the console can stay on the counter, because their weather data is also on their phone, tablet, or computer – weather data at their command, anytime and anywhere. (Hint: this opens the door for next year’s gift, since the WeatherLink Live can “listen” to up to 8 transmitting stations. Remote Temp/Hum station for the cellar, maybe??)
6. The Just-Breathe-In, Breathe-Out Geek: AirLink Professional Air Quality Monitor
This one is very wise and knows what wildfire smoke, urban smog, allergens, dust from woodworking or aerosols, and even the cozy holiday fireplace can do to the quality of the air in their home. Breathing, they will be the first to tell you, matters, big time. Let them breathe easy, knowing their real-time air quality with this deal that gives them an AirLink Professional Air Quality Monitor for their own home, business, classroom, or workshop. They’ll see their own real time AQI on their phone, tablet, or computer.
7. The Proactive Health Geek: AirLink 2-Pack
This one has good reason to be concerned about air quality. They’ve got a child whose asthma can be triggered by a smoggy day, or they live where smoke from wildfires is part of the new summer normal. Whatever the reason, this Weather Geek needs to know not only what steps to take when the AQI is poor, but to see with their own eyes how well they are keeping that bad air from invading their home. This deal, the AirLink 2-Pack, comes with two AirLinks so they can mount one outside and one inside. You'll save some bucks, they'll see AQI from both air quality monitors and see at a glance how much closing windows and turning on the air filter improves their inside AQI. Win win!
8. The Cool Head Weather Geek: Davis Cap
Some people wear caps with sports teams or rock band names on them. We Weather Geeks, well, we are not so pedestrian. The only name this Weather Geek wants on their head is a name that tells the world: I am a Weather Geek and proud of it! Put a Davis Cap on that noggin; your Weather Geek will proudly rock that cap all year long.
We've got more holiday gift ideas on our Holiday Gift Guide page.
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