Best Gifts Under $100 for the Boating Enthusiast
1. FSR
Winter can make a boating enthusiast a little cranky. They might not be able to get out there on the water, their happy place. So they do the next best thing: work on their boat. Since their boat might even already be out of the water, how about wrapping up a big, two-liter bottle of Davis’s FSR (Fiberglass Stain Remover)? This unique gel is what they need to remove oil, rust, exhaust, waterline and transom stains.
2. Air-Dryr
Boating Enthusiasts are not enthusiastic about the mustiness an enclosed space can acquire when the humidity rises. This time of year, a boat cabin can be a dank an uninviting space. The Air-Dryr 1000 and Air-Dryr 500 operate 24 h hours a day, fighting mildew and odors while drawing only 1.1/0.6 amps. Non-boaters love them too – in closets, cellars or other damp enclosed spaces.
3. Shockles LineSnubber
Tidy, unstressed lines and cleats: that’s the kind of stuff every Boating Enthusiast loves. Stuff their stocking with a commercial grade bungee, the Shockles LineSnubber. This 20” powerhouse extends the life of cleats and dock lines, and reduces shock to any line, cleat ground tackle while it minimizes jarring and even reduces noise from creaking dock lines.
4. Mark 3 Sextant
You can’t legitimately call yourself a Boating Enthusiast until you know how to use a sextant. Old school technology that has taken sailors around the globe long before anyone even imagined GPS. Get your enthusiast, especially if they are young ones, a Mark 3 Sextant so they can learn how the to use the planet and stars as a guide. It also makes a great backup for GPS failure or dead batteries.
5. Snap Tool Multi Key
Boating Enthusiasts, like Boy Scouts, are always prepared. With a Snap Tool Multi Key in their pocket they will be ready for anything. It's like giving them 19 tools -- there’s a deck plate key, canvas snap-unsnapper, cutting tool for fishing line, hex wrenches, screwdrivers, scraper, pin shackle key, a zipper pull, and the all-important bottle opener.
6. Fish Seeker
Is your favorite Fishing and Boating Enthusiast cute and colorful? Fish Seeker is too! Fish Seeker isn't just cute though - it is fantastic at controlling the depth of fishing lures. It’ll make their trolling effective and keep them happily pulling in salmon, trout, steelhead, walleye, crappie, striper and more. Get them one in every color!
7. Deluxe Rigging Knife
A sailor without a rigging knife is like, well, going to be spending a lot of time wishing they had a Deluxe Rigging Knife in their pocket. Marlin spike, shackle key, blade, screwdriver: it can do it all.
Check out these, and more, gifts for your Beloved Boating Buddy on the Marine section of our website.
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